Duc-Than Nguyen

Talks and Presentations

  • Compositional Verification of Concurrent C Programs with Search Structure Templates
    Oral presentation @ NJPLS (November 2023)
  • Attacks on low private exponent RSA: An experimental study
    Oral presentation @ ICCSA (Jun 2013)

Academic Service

  • ICFP'24 artifact evaluation committee

Teaching Experience

  • CS211 - Programming Practicum (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
    Department of Computer Science @ UIC (Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024)
  • COMP90038 - Algorithms and Complexity (Graduate Tutor)
    School of CIS @ University of Melbourne, Australia (Semester I - 2019)
  • CS1010E - Programming Methodology (Teaching Assistant)
    School of Computing @ National University of Singapore (Spring 2017)

Research Experience

  • Graduate Research Assistant
    Department of Computer Science @ UIC (Jan 2021 - Present)
  • Research Student
    School of CIS @ University of Melbourne, Australia (Jun 2018 - Jun 2020)
  • Research Assistant
    PL&SE Lab @ National University of Singapore (Feb 2016 - Dec 2017)
  • Research Internship
    Echizen Lab @ National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan (Feb 2015 - Aug 2015)