Duc-Than Nguyen

Duc-Than Nguyen

Email: dnguye96 [(@)] uic [(.)] edu
Office: 13.36 SEO Building
ORCID: 0000-0002-6810-897X
Github: ducthann

I'm a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at UIC, fortunate to have Prof. William Mansky as my research advisor.
My main interest is pushing the boundaries of provably correct software. I focus on the semantics and correctness of programs, particularly concurrent programs. I enjoy writing both proofs and programs, especially when using the Coq proof assistant to develop programs as proofs.
Currently, I'm working on techniques to prove the correctness of concurrent C programs using the Verified Software Toolchain and Iris.

You can find details about my projects and papers on the research page, and my résumé is available here.

What's New?

  • Apr'24: I'm in Artifact Evaluation Committee of ICFP'24.
  • Jan'24: Our paper on Compositional Verification of Concurrent C Programs with Search Structure Templates, presented at CPP'24 (held in POPL in London), was presented by William Mansky in a YouTube video.
  • Nov'23: Our paper on Compositional Verification of Concurrent C Programs with Search Structure Templates got accepted to CPP'24.
  • Nov'23: I gave a talk about Compositional Verification of Concurrent C Programs with Search Structure Templates at NJPLS 2023.
  • Apr'22: Our paper on Compass: Strong and Compositional Library Specifications in Relaxed Memory Separation Logic got accepted to PLDI'22.
  • Mar'21: I earned a Master of Philosophy in Computing and Information Systems from the University of Melbourne, Australia.
  • Jan'21: I started Ph.D. program in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago.