Duc-Than Nguyen

Duc-Than Nguyen

Email: dnguye96 [(@)] uic [(.)] edu
Office: 13.36 SEO Building
ORCID: 0000-0002-6810-897X
Github: ducthann

I'm a Ph.D. candidate in CS@UIC, fortunate to have Prof. William Mansky as my research advisor. I enjoy writing proofs and programs, particularly when using the Coq proof assistant to write programs as proofs.
My main research interests lie in logics and semantics of programming languages, as well as formal verification. Currently, I focus on building techniques for proving the correctness of concurrent C programs using the Verified Software Toolchain and Iris.

You can find details about my projects and papers on the research page, and my résumé is available here.

Recent News

  • Apr'24: I am in Artifact Evaluation Committee of ICFP'24.
  • Jan'24: Our paper on Compositional Verification of Concurrent C Programs with Search Structure Templates, presented at CPP'24 (held in POPL in London), was presented by William Mansky in a YouTube video.
  • Nov'23: Our paper on Compositional Verification of Concurrent C Programs with Search Structure Templates got accepted to CPP'24.
  • Nov'23: I gave a talk about Compositional Verification of Concurrent C Programs with Search Structure Templates at NJPLS 2023.
  • Apr'22: Our paper on Compass: Strong and Compositional Library Specifications in Relaxed Memory Separation Logic got accepted to PLDI'22.
  • Mar'21: I earned a Master of Philosophy in Computing and Information Systems from the University of Melbourne, Australia.
  • Jan'21: I started Ph.D. program in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago.